oooo o8o oooo o8o 光 2.0.0.dev101 [HEAD]
`888 `"' `888 `"' © 2021 davfsa - MIT license /home/nekokatt/code/hikari
888 .oo. oooo 888 oooo .oooo. oooo d8b oooo interpreter: CPython 3.8.10
888P"Y88b `888 888 .8P' `P )88b `888""8P `888 running on: x86_64 Linux 5.8.0-59-generic
888 888 888 888888. .oP"888 888 888 installed at: /home/nekokatt/code/hikari
888 888 888 888 `88b. d8( 888 888 888 documentation:
o888o o888o o888o o888o o888o `Y888""8o d888b o888o support:
I 2020-07-15 16:45:11,476 hikari: single-sharded configuration -- you have started 29/1000 sessions prior to connecting (resets at 16/07/20 11:38:05 BST)
I 2020-07-15 16:45:11,779 hikari.gateway.0: received HELLO, heartbeat interval is 41.25s
I 2020-07-15 16:45:11,958 hikari.gateway.0: shard is ready [session:1aa5f3fde733687ae7b41b1b55b29792, user_id:572144340277919754, tag:hikari#5863]
Terminated 13897
[nekokatt@pc ~/hikari ] $ cat
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import asyncio
import functools
import os
import hikari
bot = hikari.Bot(token=os.environ["BOT_TOKEN"])
def command(name):
def decorator(fn):
async def wrapper(event):
content = event.message.content
if event.is_human and content is not None and content.startswith(name):
await fn(event)
return wrapper
return decorator
async def ping(event: hikari.MessageCreateEvent) -> None:
await event.message.respond("Pong!")
async def add_numbers(event: hikari.MessageCreateEvent) -> None:
def is_number_check(e):
return ( ==
and event.message.channel_id == e.message.channel_id
and e.message.content
and e.message.content.isdigit()
await event.message.respond("Please enter the first number")
e1 = await bot.wait_for(hikari.MessageCreateEvent, predicate=is_number_check, timeout=30)
await event.message.respond("Please enter the second number")
e2 = await bot.wait_for(hikari.MessageCreateEvent, predicate=is_number_check, timeout=30)
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
await event.message.respond("You took too long...")
val1 = int(e1.message.content)
val2 = int(e2.message.content)
embed = hikari.Embed(title="Result!", description=f"{val1} + {val2} = {val1 + val2}", color="#3f3")
await event.message.respond(embed=embed)
pip install
A new, powerful, static-typed Python API for writing Discord bots.
This API is still in an alpha state, and is a work in progress! Features may change
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